
Joe is also a Board Certified Specialist in Child Language. Specialists are individuals who have been nationally recognized for their advanced level of knowledge, skill, and leadership in the field. Certification is awarded through the American Board of Child Language and Language Disorders, a nonprofit Board recognized by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association since 2000 as having oversight of Specialty Certification in the area of child language.
While in graduate school, Joe received a grant for specialized interdisciplinary training in autism. He also received advanced training in sensory integration through USC (OT 610) and is a certified provider of the UCLA PEERS social skills program. He combines his knowledge and experience with various forms of interventions and a neurodiversity affirming perspective when working with autistic children.
In addition, Joe has been trained in multiple treatments for childhood apraxia of speech. These include Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC), Treatment for Establishing Motor Program Organization (TEMPO, formerly known as ReST), and PROMPT.
Joe has a special interest in the complex language needs of older children and adolescents including narrative language (storytelling), expository language (explaining), descriptive language, and persuasive language. He authored Power Books: Syntax, a 2-volume workbook that helps students develop more complex language skills.
Joe is also the author of Prosody Treatment Program, published by Pro-Ed. This is the first comprehensive treatment resource available for individuals with disordered prosody. Additionally, Joe is a musician with specialized training in music education for young children. He combined these skills with his expertise as a speech-language pathologist to create Make A Sound And Move Around! and Power Tunes, multi-award winning CD's designed to help toddlers and young children learn vocabulary, speech sounds, and early academic concepts. For more information about Joe's products, visit the ``shop`` page.